
Sydnia Anne Jones

Born: June 3, 1832; Centerville, Kentucky

Death: June 12,, 1927; Chico, California

With her family, she left Centerville on May 20, 1852, taking a coach to St. Louis where they took a steamer to Independence, Missouri. From there they crossed the plains by covered wagon, over the emigrant road through the Carson Valley, arriving in Sacramento in the fall of 1852, the year of the flood.

Her family settled above Colusa, then went to Shasta, where she met George Foster Jones, Sr., whom she married in 1853. They were married by the grandfather of Governor Pardee. Their marriage license was one of the first procured in Northern California, issued in Monroeville, then the county seat. They went to Canyon House in Shasta County where they spent three years. This was about the time of the Trinity mines. They later moved to Lone Tree Ranch, then Colusa, then Chico.

Jones bought out E. B. Pond at First and Main, which shipped goods down the Sacramento River at the time. In 1865, he bought property at 1st and Broadway and erected a building which still stands, used as a Masonic Hall. He conducted a general mercantile business under the name of Jones and Reilly.