
John Hoffman Wheeler

Born: February 22, 1857; Oswego, New York

Death: June 14, 1939; St. Helena, California

John Hoffman Wheeler was born February 22, 1857 in Oswego, located on Lake Ontario in the northwestern corner of New York. The son of Charles and Caroline Wheeler, John was born into a family of entrepreneurial pioneers with a passion and quintessential gift for agriculture and viticulture. Charles Wheeler and friend Charles Krug – just up the valley from the Wheeler farm, were best described as the “who’s who” among Napa Valley vintners, businessmen and pioneers of the time. It can also be said that John Hoffman Wheeler was a self-made early California entrepreneur.[1]

At the young age of two, his mother, Caroline, died in Oswego. Charles moved John and his brother, Rollo, west to Vallejo in 1867 and in 1869, purchased property two miles south of St. Helena at Pine Station, later known as Bell Station and Zinfandel Station, and today known as Zinfandel Lane. At this location he built a stone winery on the family farm known as Wheeler Farms.

John and his brother worked the family farm until 1875, when he entered the University of California, Berkeley (the first graduating class was in 1873). A bright scholar, he studied chemistry, specializing in pesticides for the grape industry, experimenting on the vineyards surrounding the campus. He was said to have been great at doing things outside of the curriculum. John was mentored by Professor Eugene Hilgard, who today is considered the father of modern soil science in the United States. Together they conducted experiments on the University grounds using carbon bisulphide (now known as carbon disulfide) to kill ground squirrels. Wheeler published his findings from experiments in a University bulletin in April, 1878.[2]

86. John H. Wheeler

At the time he graduated from Berkeley, the grape growers of the world were threatened with a plague of plant lice called phylloxera, which was devastating their vineyards. In France, they discovered that the plant lice could be controlled with bisulfide gas, but the California growers could not afford the imported price of between 50¢ and $1.00 per pound. Wheeler experimented with making the carbon bisulfide in a small factory on the bay shore of Berkeley. He founded the San Francisco Sulphur Company; soon turning out commercial grade bisulphide at prices around 13¢ per pound, making it available to vintners as well as general stores for pest killing purposes.[3]

In 1879, John married Frances V. Jones of Chico. Their four children were Ella Cornelia, Elliott, Rollo Clark and Ysabel. They fondly referred to their father as “Papa John” and their mother as “Mama Frank” and those names have stuck to the current day. In 1881, John H. Wheeler was appointed by the governor of California as the first Secretary of the State Board of Viticulture and served as its executive head in 1888.The report of the first Fruit Growers Convention was written by Wheeler and was published by the Pacific Rural Press. The report was said to have been “a mine of horticulture information because it preserves the names and declared purposes of the men who were leaders in laying the foundations for the great achievements of the present day.”[4]


In 1889, John’s brother Rollo, who had been managing the winery and orchards back in the Napa Valley, was kicked in the head by his horse and died. John returned and to take his brother’s place with his father. Growing grapes and wine making were the major activities of Wheeler Farms until the Prohibition Era ended the demand for alcoholic products. The farm then expanded to produce walnuts and prunes. Although the winery has since been torn down, the original craftsman style home still stands on the west side of Highway 129, just south of the railroad tracks at Zinfandel Lane.

Meanwhile, the San Francisco Sulphur Company was growing rapidly and expanded into making bone meal fertilizers and other agricultural products, relocating to Seventh Street and Snyder Avenue in West Berkeley. A competing chemist across the Bay in San Francisco, John Stauffer, took note and the two decided to merge their companies. Stauffer turned to banker Christian de Guigne (a founder of the Bank of California, now Union Bank) for advice and financial assistance. Although the shirt-sleeved working chemist and the elegant older Frenchborn banker had very different lifestyles, they held identical views on thrift, integrity, and the value of hard work. Not only did de Guigne encourage the merger, he decided to become a part of the company.[5]

On July 19, 1895 the Stauffer Chemical Company was incorporated under California Law with a capitalization of $300,000. Christian de Guigne became Chairman, John Wheeler, Vice President and John Stauffer, Secretary. The three men ran the company for 37 years in great harmony and with outstanding success.[6]


Stauffer Chemical Company grew from its family owned and operated firm to a multinational, multi-billion dollar corporation, going public on the New York Stock Exchange in 1954. John Wheeler served as Vice President of the Stauffer Chemical Company from 1895 until his death in 1939. His second son, Rollo Clark, took his place as Vice President on Stauffer’s Board of Directors until his passing in 1962.[7]

Of John Wheeler, it was later stated that “Simply a university student had the sense and sand to do something which prescribed studies did not require of him, but which practical operation made necessary to agriculture and ministering to the need made profitable to the originator”. According to a published University bulletin, “Although he has done many original stunts on his fine fruit far in the Napa Valley, we always think of him as the youth who jumped a lecture course on the feasibility of perfume farming in California, and built a bisulphide joint on the bay shore which, though not much bigger than a Dutch oven, made more smell than all the perfume of Araby the Blest, and was the foundation of the largest business of carbon bisulphide manufacturer in California.” The university author complimented the young entrepreneur with the closing remark “We like young men when they do things their teachers do not know enough to teach them to do!”[8]

[1] Napa Register, date unknown.

[2] University of California Bulletin, April 1878.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Pacific Rural Press, vol. 31, no. 10, March 1886.

[5] Stauffer News, Stauffer Chemical Company, 1977.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Ibid.


Stauffer Chemical Company

Founder John Stauffer (second from right) sits on the ruins of the North Beach plant after the 1906 earthquake

When John Stauffer arrived in San Francisco in 1881, the city was a magnet for talented and ambitious young men. The discovery of gold in the mountains west of the Continental Divide and the influx of the 49ers had transformed San Francisco from a sleepy village to a city of fabled opportunity. Stauffer came to sell heavy chemicals for a Belgian company. For the City’s manufacturers, and the farmers and grape growers on its outskirts, rail and sea freights made chemicals imported from the East coast or Europe prohibitively expensive. Stauffer had noted, soon after he arrived, that grain ships taking western wheat to England, usually returned in ballast, loaded down with white cliffstone from the chalk cliffs of Dover. When the ships took on new cargo, the cliffstone was simply dumped overboard. If he could find a way to grind the cliffstone – much in demand locally for whitewash and other uses-he could sell it for half the imported price.[i]

Stauffer Chemical Company Annual Report, 1956

It didn’t take long for him to go into business for himself. With the help of a countryman, Joseph Mayer of Hamburg, who owned a plot of land at North beach in San Francisco, the financial assistance of an elegant young French banker – Christian de Guigne I, and two shiploads of Dover cliffstone, he began the entrepreneurial journey that would become Stauffer Chemical Company.[ii]

With his plant in North Beach, the enterprising Stauffer looked around for more opportunities. He made friends in the local chemical industry, One of these friends was the earnest young chemist John H. Wheeler, who by then was producing carbon bisulfide, along with other agricultural chemicals. Stauffer and Wheeler decided to merge their interest. Stauffer again turned to banker de Guigne for advice and financial assistance. Not only did de Guigne encourage the merger, he decided to become part of the company. Although the shirt-sleeved, working chemists and the independently wealthy, French-born banker had very different life styles, they held identical views on thrift, integrity and the value of hard work.[iii] These values became the foundation of the company they would build. They were expressed in letters John H. Wheeler wrote to his daughter, Cornelia Wheeler Good and son-in-law Stanley Wells Good. in 1921. In those letters, John Wheeler expresses his hope that the first stock gift he gave them would be wisely managed. He planned well for his family heirs, continuing to gift them stock that would benefit generations.

Stauffer’s Board of Directors, Senior Vice President Rollo C. Wheeler front with gray suit, 1956

In 1895, Stauffer Chemical Company was incorporated under California law, with a capitalization of $300,000. De Guigne became president, Wheeler, vice president and Stauffer, secretary. These three men ran the company for the next 37 years in great harmony and outstanding success. Ownership was retained by the families of the three founders until the company went public in 1953. Christian de Guigne gave the first chairman’s address to public shareholders.[iv]

Stauffer enjoyed growth through the 1970’s, exceeding sales of $1 Billion in 1976. Consistent with its beginnings, Stauffer’s major and most profitable business was in agricultural chemicals, although it had heavy chemical and specialty chemical divisions. The agricultural products division, along with its proprietary products and R&D, became a target of corporate raids, and in 1984, Carl Icahn made a hostile acquisition move to take over Stauffer. Meanwhile, Morley had been in discussions with the Chesebrough-Ponds Company, also a takeover target, to combine the two companies should a hostile bid be made for either company. In essence, Chesebrough-Ponds became a “White Knight” for Stauffer. White knights are preferred by the board of directors (when directors are acting in good faith with regards to the interest of the corporation and its shareholders) and/or management as in most cases as they do not replace the current board or management with a new board, whereas, in most cases, a black knight will seek to replace the current board of directors and/or management with its new board reflective of its net interest in the corporation’s equity. Icahn backed off but a new black knight, BASF of Germany, came forward. Chesebrough-Ponds acquired Stauffer in 1985 but then it, too, was acquired by Unilever in 1986.

Stauffer Chemical Co. certificate of stock

Mr. Morley shared much of the Stauffer story with David E. Good, John Wheeler’s great grandson, while at the Summer Encampment at the Bohemian Grove in 2015. Morley is a member of Sunshiners Camp, which at one time had many Stauffer Chemical Company executives as members, including John and Rollo Wheeler.

Howard Good, John Wheeler’s grandson, held onto one share of Stauffer stock. He and many other family members were beneficiaries of a man who dared experiment in a small plant in Berkeley over a century ago, and left a lasting legacy of hard work, vision and character for those who followed him.

[i] Ibid pg. 4

[ii] Ibid pg 4

[iii] Ibid pg 4

[iv] Document 56 Christian de Guigne’s first report to the shareholders as a publicly held company in San Francisco – September 2nd 1953 and in New York – September 10th 1953.

[v] Document 65 Durrant, William P. (1977). Chemical Company Report “Thanks A Billion!” Stauffer News, Westport, CT. pg.14

Stauffer Chemical Company

Stauffer Plant

Photo of the Stauffer Chemical Company San Francisco plant after the 1906 earthquake. John Hoffman Wheeler is pictured second from right.

Stauffer Chemical Company

Board of Directors

Stauffer’s Board of Directors, 1956 after the merger with Consolidated Chemical Industries, Inc.

Clockwise from left: Senior Vice President Rollo C. Wheeler; treasurer Christian de Guigne; president Hans Stauffer; chairman of the board Christian de Guigne III; senior vice president and chairman of the executive committee John Stauffer, Jr.; senior vice president George L. Bond; directors Vincent O’Donnell and Elliott McAllister; senior vice president Edward Rothrock.

Stauffer Chemical Company

Stauffer Chemical Co. Certificate of Stock

Stauffer Chemical Co. certificate of stock

Stauffer Chemical Co. certificate of stock

Stauffer Chemical Company

“Opening Address,” 1953

Click here for a PDF of the opening address for the new Stauffer debentures and stock, September 8, 1953.

Stauffer Chemical Company

“A History of Stauffer Chemical Company”

Click here for a PDF of “A History of Stauffer Chemical Company”

Stauffer Chemical Company

Letter from John H. Wheeler to Cornelia Wheeler, 1921

Click here for a PDF of a letter from John H. Wheeler to Cornelia Wheeler, 1921

Stauffer Chemical Company

Letter from John H. Wheeler to Stanley W. Good, 1921

Letter from John H. Wheeler to Stanley W. Good, 1921

Stauffer Chemical Company

Annual Report

Stauffer Chemical Co. Annual Report, 1956